Friday, November 10, 2006

--> BOLIVIA. what is bolivia? A COUNTRY, STUPID. --> El Che, Bucht & Sundance.

Comentario sobre Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid. Dos hombres y un destino. Western. Robert Redford y Paul Newman. 1969.

Butch and me have been talking it all over. Wherever the hell Bolivia is, that's where we're off to.

Sundance Kid: What's your idea this time?
Butch Cassidy: Bolivia.
Sundance Kid: What's Bolivia?
Butch Cassidy: Bolivia. That's a country, stupid! In Central or South America, one or the other.
Sundance Kid: Why don't we just go to Mexico instead?
Butch Cassidy: 'Cause all they got in Mexico is sweat and there's too much of that here. Look, if we'd been in business during the California Gold Rush, where would we have gone? California - right?
Sundance Kid: Right.
Butch Cassidy: So when I say Bolivia, you just think California. You wouldn't believe what they're finding in the ground down there. They're just fallin' into it. Silver mines, gold mines, tin mines, payrolls so heavy we'd strain ourselves stealin' 'em.
Sundance Kid: [chuckling] You just keep thinkin', Butch. That's what you're good at.
Butch Cassidy: Boy, I got vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals.

Butch Cassidy: [arriving in Bolivia] You know, it could be worse. You get a lot more for your money in Bolivia, I checked on it.
Sundance Kid: What could they have here that you could possibly want to buy?

Butch Cassidy: Jeesh, all Bolivia can't look like this.
Sundance Kid: How do you know? This might be the garden spot of the whole country. People may travel hundreds of miles just to get to this spot where we're standing now. This might be the Atlantic City, New Jersey of all Bolivia for all you know.
Butch Cassidy: Look I know a lot more about Bolivia than you know about Atlantic City, New Jersey I can tell you that.
Sundance Kid: AHA. You do huh? I was born there, I was born in New Jersey. Was brought up there, so...
Butch Cassidy: You're from the east? I didn't know that.
Sundance Kid: The total tonnage of what you don't know is enough to shatter...
Etta Place: I'm not sure we're accomplishing as much as we'd like here.
Sundance Kid: Listen, you're job is to back me up, because you'd starve without me. [turns to Butch] And you, your job is to shut up.
Butch Cassidy': He'll feel a lot better after he's robbed a couple of banks.
Sundance Kid: Bolivia. Ha-ha-ha-haa.


- Raindrops keep falling on my head...
- que tipo de raindrops yoni?
- de las pesadas slvdr. de las pesadas.
- pero porqué yoni?
- el Che y estos vaqueros murieron en Bolivia. los mataron los soldados bolivianos.
- en esa película bolivia es méxico y los bolivianos son mexicanos. parecía el Zorro.
- ganó 5 oscars
- no hay que creer en el oscar yoni...
- y en el Che?
- si, en el Che se puede creer.

- que tiene que ver el guerrillero heroico con dos ladrones yankees? no seas hereje.
- no viste sus risas? no viste que estaban vivos? no viste que sabían moverse? no viste como los miraban las mujeres? no viste que los tres eran extranjeros? no viste que pensaron en bolivia?
- no estoy seguro. las risas, diferentes: la de atolondrados que hacen travesuras y las de quien sabe que està haciendo una revolución. los movimientos, tambièn diferentes: unos rodaban por la ladera, otro planificaba y se movía como pieza de ajedrez. Las mujeres: brillaban sus ojos de manera parecida, pero a los cowboys los dejaron cuando se vió que no iban a convertirse en farmers. El che las cuidaba. La extranjeridad era opuesta, pero simétrica.
- pero la CIA perseguía a los tres.
-muy bien yoni. eso tiene sentido. pero los que dispararon eran soldados bolivianos. por eso debìan disparar con convicciones diferentes.
- para que sundance kid no te mate tenés que pedirle que se quede.
- cuando el Che mataba eran muertes por la revolución
- sundance le dijo a Butch que podìa llevarse a su mujer.
- el Che era rígido con Tania, aunque la amara. no podía olvidar nunca que es lo que estaba haciendo ahí.
- Sundance Kid y Butch eran buenos en lo que hacían, pero no sabía porqué lo hacían.
- lo hacían simplemente porque podían hacerlo.
- como tener un blog.

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